Saturday, May 24, 2014

Guatemala Part 2: Helicopter Tour

I am very lucky to have been on a few Black Hawk rides in my military career! I must start with this statement: my experiences I post are NOT typical Army life for most soldiers! Deployments to Honduras and Guatemala seriously come once in a blue moon and mostly never for the majority. Why am I so lucky? Honestly? I came in with some serious connections. So if you have other options, don't have connections, or/and don't plan on commissioning....DON'T DO IT.

Now that I no longer feel liable for anyone losing four years of their life thinking they were joining for extensive free travel or helicopter rides, let me show you how much fun I had!!!  

When we arrived to the flight line and were being briefed on heli safety procedures, our bird came in looking all kinds of awesome. 
I love this pic!

We loaded the birds and I didn't get a single photo of myself not looking like a crazy. =\ Thank heavens I have a hair appointment June 3rd! Trust one will be more excited than me for a hair blog update!
Einstein's sister everybody!!!

In my defense, there is a lot of wind associated with boarding helicopter...

The following photos have not been edited in any way. They are all real color raw images taken with my Xperia Z1S. 
Some photos look out of focus...but mostly, it was really that smoggy from burning garbage or/and some light rain fall.

Mayan Ruins
This is where it was raining. We hovered for a bit and it started to clear up as we were pulling away.

And Waterfalls!!!

We also flew over a volcano with a 
lake at the summit. GORGEOUS.
It was so windy I was afraid of dropping my phone out the open window. 
I had to keep that image just for me. :)

Here is some agriculturally developed area.

This is right before we 
touched ground again.

If you ever see a killer deal or get the chance to go on a helicopter tour DO IT!! 
It's so much more intimate than commercial airplane flight and you get to be so much closer to the ground. Even these pictures don't come close to doing the experience justice.

Also, if your pilot is anything as cool as ours was, you'll get a mini roller coaster ride!! ;D

I'm sure having some cool experiences, but I am anxious to get home to the Hubbz!! I'm definitely counting on my next grand adventure including my best friend. <3



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