Wednesday, October 8, 2014

21 Weeks

We are officially over HALF WAY to meeting Baby W!!!

How far along? 21 weeks today. Baby is the size of a cantaloupe!
(approximately 10.51 inches and 12.70 oz)
Current due date: February 18, 2015
Total weight gain: about 5 pounds
Maternity clothes? Nope...well...kinda. I bought a new bra with no under wire. SO COMFY for my expanding rib cage. I also bought a small collection of size Large shirts at Rue 21. The mediums are fitting perfectly, so I figured I better be prepared for some more growth! Still using the hair tie trick on all my pre pregnancy jeans!
Stretch marks? Nothing yet! I am getting nervous though. I had a stretch mark nightmare you wouldn't believe! I have been mentally preparing for what may be inevitable and still keeping my skin as hydrated as possible.
Best moments of the past three weeks: Clynn felt a few big kicks at 19 weeks! One of my best friends had a super fun baby shower thrown by her Relief Society. I started crossing off items on the baby shopping list. Also, My big sister had her first baby a week and a half ago! Check out this winkin' cutie!!! We all just love her like crazy.

Adelynn Elizabeth

Miss anything? 1) I miss 'nesting' and the urge is definitely getting stronger. 2) When we lived in Renton, I would tan and then hot tub by myself almost every evening. It was such a relaxing way to end the day. I've been missing that too, now that it's getting chilly!
Movement? YES. TONS. Also, I always imagined the baby's kicks would be on my belly all the time...well...they're not. Baby likes to bounce off my bladder and miscellaneous guts all the time now. Woo!! haha
Food Cravings: Ice lemon water and all of my regular breakfast foods. I want breakfast for pretty much every meal. Whole grain English muffins with Peanut butter and strawberries or/and bananas on top, grapefruit, kiwi, any fruit (except melons for some reason), Babybel cheese with wheat thins, Mini Wheats with almond milk, apples and peanut butter, walnuts and fresh prunes (the refrigerated kind), Orange Carrot Naked juice, Lara Bars, and Cream of Wheat. (I also have the occasional craving for Ramen noodles, but I make sure not to have more than 2 packs a week now. I'm sure it's just the sodium I'm craving.)
Have you started to show yet? I think so. It's not super defined, but I definitely would be suspicious if I knew me. haha Definitely more so in the evenings. 
Gender: Still being patient. 5 more weeks until we can do a 3D/4D!
Rings on or off? On!
Looking forward to: Clynn starting his new job, school to start for me, Kelsie to have her baby, moving into our new apartment, more baby shopping, and getting to see little W on the ultrasound screen!!

The Wilkinson's

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