Friday, October 31, 2014

Midnight ramblings & Writers Block

Baby W won't stop kicking and rolling and pushing long enough for me to fall I thought I would see if I could come up with something to engage my mind and fill some time before W is ready for a nap again.

I suppose I could start by laughing at whoever gives the advice to sleep while you're pregnant because you won't get much when the baby is here...Yep. That's great advice. Say that to my inhabited insides. The baby is already here...and a little close for comfort.

Man, I've been hitting some killer writers block lately...Those of you who are used to at least a blog a week, I have been sorry.

I go through seasons when I can express myself so well with words. Then, slumps where I can't hardly say a thing to properly express the way I have been's just like...a color or an expression. A picture in my head or one scripture or quote...can't tell you how many blogs I have half written right now. Even this blog was started and restarted a few times. = /

Sometimes, I tell Clynn, "I hope you can feel or see how I'm feeling because I have no idea how to say it." The ways in which he typically responds, communicates he does know. Most times. <3 Sometimes, less is more.

This is one of my favorite quotes I refer back to as often as possible. 
I think I will have to have Pace Made do it up in some calligraphy for our new apartment.
The reply is typically not the most needed...communication comes in many parts. 
Words are such a small portion of our interactions together.

So really...writers block may just be the universe telling me to listen a while.
Just Listen & Understand with more than just one part of me.
I want to understand with my heart AND my mind. 
(I know, most people look at that the other way around...I've always acted on the heart and I'm learning that many things do actually make sense in a logical way as well.)
I'll take some time to let it soak in, work it all out,
and I'm sure I'll be back with something soon. <3

With love and consideration,

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